
mental health posts

Ballin on a Budget: Meal Prep

After moving to a new city and starting a new job I found myself wanting to re-prioritize how I spent my time and money. When you spend 8 hours every day working, it’s easy to want to simply get into your car and hit the drive-thru on the way home or swing past the grocery store and grab a pre-made meal rather than spending another 30-60 minutes making something after you get home.

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Staying Mindful Online: Social Media

We live in a time where you can pull out your phone or open your computer and reach out to hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people. Social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter give us a chance to connect with friends and family, serve as an outlet for our creativity, and can give us a sense of community and belonging. However, these same platform can also contribute to our anxieties, make us feel as if our lives aren’t as exciting or as perfect as others, or make us feel more alone than before.

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