What is a Mindful Traveler? & The 5 Best Ways to Become One

When you travel, are you aware of the experiences you are having at each moment? Do you catch yourself being fully immersed and encompassing the spiritual aspect of your travels? Let us look over some things that might help with becoming more of a mindful traveler.

The Mindful Traveler

Someone who might call themself a mindful traveler is responsible, sustainable, and conscious of all of their choices on a trip. Exploring local restaurants or housing in homestays, traveling in the off-season when most people are not traveling, and using the local providers are just a few tips of the trade. 

Before you leave on your trip, do your best to be sure all of your travels are well thought out in the sense that you are being eco-friendly and helping with the zero waste space.

A Different State of Mind

A mindful traveler is affected and changed by letting travel be the essence of the situation at hand. This essence isn’t affected by how much you spend or how many places you see. 

Although, what it might be influenced by is the amount of effort and openness you have in your heart on the journey.

The “Magic Moment”

Have you ever had a moment that made you feel alive, like everything was connected, and your soul lit up? A moment of transcendence with the beauty and truth of a situation.

Where words can’t match up with the number of emotions that you are feeling at that moment. This is what I believe that ‘magic moment’ feels like with the mindful traveler.

Awareness Is Mindfulness

Mindfulness is an amazing tool we can take with us throughout our daily lives. It is being in a place of awareness, a place where you feel deeply connected with yourself and the world around you. Using this tool of awareness it comes naturally for the mindful traveler, this will help you move from one place to another while strengthening the connections within and around you.

Maximize Your Pleasure

In this day in age, we are so busy being. Our minds don’t stop from the time we wake up in the morning to when we lay down at night. With traveling it’s beginning to become more difficult to not choose destinations that are consumer-oriented with commodified activities that keep you distracted. 

Although, if you choose the mindful traveler approach you will be encompassed with the spiritual aspect of life while being able to notice the experiences you are having. 


Whatever you might want to call mindful travel, whether it’s responsible travel, sustainable tourism, or even ecotourism, it should be the new way to start experiencing the world that’s around us. 

The more we are willing to give of ourselves and learn about ourselves, the more we will get from the world, from our lives, and in our souls.

About the author: Rachlemorgan is a freelance copywriter making waves on Fiverr. She has her own blog, and is currently an M.S. student, studying Lifestyle Medicine. Her main focus is using travel as a way to strengthen mental health. For more info on her work and availability check her out on Fiverr.

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