The Best Neighborhood Christmas Game for 2022

I have been searching for neighborhood Christmas games all over Christmas. And they all seem so tacky. So, I made my own for you and your neighborhood to enjoy!

We recently moved into our home, and we are at the awkward stage of not really knowing our neighborhood and what they would appreciate in a little holiday package. I know there are probably plenty of other neighbors in the same situation, especially after covid, we are more timid to meet those who live right next to us. My intentions are always for the best, so I came up with a modern “you’ve been Boo’d” but for the holidays.

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xx Rachlemorgan

I’m calling it “You’ve been Jingled.” I was trying to keep it holiday neutral and more about being neighborly. The last few places we lived in with the RV had a variety of people from all over. I found with good intentions no one gets offended if it doesn’t match their beliefs. I wanted to make it less pushy, and more open for people to pass up if they didn’t want to participate. That way the entire neighborhood would feel invited.

Made by Rachlemorgan

Inspiration for Neighborhood Christmas games

We recently put down our roots and bought a stick and brick home in Texas and wanted to make this affordable and fun for all. I wanted to make it easy to print out on one page and that’s how I came up with this design. If you want to take some info from this design and make it your own, I highly suggest doing so! I used Canva to create mine.

Now after creating this, I felt compelled to write a list of free or inexpensive ideas for baskets.

so here it is:

  • Popurri: It’s as easy as putting some cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise, dried orange slices, even nutmeg into a ziplock bag. I hand write on the bag how to use it. something along the lines of putting it in your crockpot with a bunch of water for up to 24 hours. Or on the stove with 6 cups of water on low for 6-8 hours.
  • Lunch bag star decorations: These are practically free to make, The smaller brown lunch bags at Walmart work great, and the dollar store has 10 clothes pins for well $1. It just takes some glue and scissors and then you have a beautiful star decoration.
  • Handmade Christmas card: Hand made cards are more appreciated then store bought ones and they are cheaper to make. Get the kids involved if you’re not artistic, you can just say your child drew it.
  • Bake some cookies: If you aren’t a great baker they have nestle cookie dough at walmart that makes each cookie less then .35 cents. If you enjoy cooking then let your creativity go wild.
  • Hot Cocoa mugs: If you have extra mugs at home you never use here is the time to re-gift them. Don’t give your neighbors stained mugs, but one you havent used. Then add a packet of hot cocoa and even a candy cane or a small bag of marshmellows. All of this can be found at the dollar store, but I fond alot of people already have this on hand.
  • Tape: Forwrapping presents, we all lose it and its a neccesity this time of year
  • Hand lotion: There are packs of hand lotion at target and bath and body works. One pack of 5-8 small lotions can be anywhere between $10-$19 just depeding on what you are comfortable spending, then you seperate the pack.
Christmas game gift ideas

If you aren’t creative or just want to get something easy here are some ideas for you:

  • Gift card: Keep it $20 or under, we don’t want our neighbors to feel like they can’t participate. Some gift card ideas include local grocery store, Netflix, Hulu, local gas station, local pizza shop, Home depot, even uber gift cards have been a big hit. Movies are a good idea but $20 doesn’t get a family of four to the movies, but $20 of Netflix will be appreciated.
  • Bath bombs: These are always nice way to relax during the holiday season, bonus for holiday scents.
  • Booze: Thats right, a six pack of beer or trulies is always a hit. Even if they don’t like your choice, they can bring it to the Christmas party.
  • ornaments: Ornaments can get expensive, Getting a pack of 10 from home depot can be $20 or more, so getting a pack of ornaments for your neighbor is great gift! bonus for matching their outdoor decor.
  • Poinsetta or Small Tree: We have all seen them at home depot, the small rosemary trees, or a poinsetta. Even if your neighbor is bad with plants it won’t be a big deal if it dies because its a seasonal plant.
  • Candels: Winter scented candles are awesome gifts!
Pinterest post for you’ve been jingled a neighborhood holiday game

Neighborly Christmas games

Hopefully this helped give you some ideas of what to get your neighbors for this event. Remember, it can be something as inexpensive as homemade potpourri and some handmade cookies. Or if you don’t have time to be creative you can get some flowers, a card and a Gift card to a local grocery store. Don’t forget to share below!

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