Our Traveler spotlight this week is Jackie N. She has been a long time friend of mine and recently we decided to use our powers of collaboration for good! She helps my Health Coach clients with their workout routines and habits, In return I help her clients with nutrition. Together we are a dream team. I’m so glad to have her in my life and I learned a little bit more about her in this interview. Enjoy!

Tell us a little bit about you?

“Hello my name is Jackie N. and I am a Kickboxing Coach in Denver, Colorado. I have traveled to six different countries!”

What’s your favorite mode of travel?

“Plane for sure!!! Getting on a plane is so nostalgic for me when it comes to traveling. ”

What’s your dream travel destination?

“My dream travel destination is Ireland and all of its magical looking land. I’ve flown into Ireland but never have been able to enjoy the seeing the country!”

How has traveling helped you manage a healthy mentality?

“Traveling has helped me shift many of my perspectives on life. Since I’ve traveled a lot and have also lived in other countries it has opened my eyes to see how big and diverse the world is. Problems begin to become more microscopic when you see the vastness of this world. So I would definitely say traveling has given me a healthier and more open mindset on life.” 

What are some ways you use travel as a coping mechanism?

” I use traveling to remember who I am and find out different parts of myself that I wouldn’t learn if I stayed in the same place.”

How do you choose who you travel with?

“I prefer to travel solo actually or with significant other. I’m not really big on traveling with friends or family. I’ve learned it is harder to travel with others because it is hard to agree on things etc.  “

Do you have a favorite destination?

“I would have to say Traviso, Italy. It is a province outside of Venice. The country side is so gorgeous and has alot of interesting history with breathtaking views! Lots of wine is made in this area!” 

When you travel do you make more friends than when you are at home?

“One hundred percent. I am alot more social.”

How has anxiety or depression affected your travels negatively?

“I would say that sometimes I get depression after traveling but overall I don’t think anxiety or depression has effected my travels negatively. “

How has anxiety or depression affected your travels positively

“Traveling has affected me positively because when I am traveling I’m forced to be in the moment. This helps my anxiety and depression because I’m not overthinking or stressing out I’m just trying to soak up each and every moment.” 

Do you feel that traveling is a coping mechanism for a lot of people? Does your family or friends use traveling as an escape from reality the same way you do?

” I definitely take after my dad. He’s used traveling as more of a tool to go explore and have something to look forward to. He’s taken me traveling my whole life. Every he motorcycles across the US and stops into see me whenever I’m at 🙂 My mom also has taught me this my whole life so my parents have definitely been a huge inspiration. “

Whats one thing you can not travel without?

“I cannot travel for without a journal!!”

Whats your number one travel tip for our fellow travelers out there?

My number one travel tip would be to stay in the present moment while you’re traveling. Life is fleeting, travel as much as you can and enjoy it while it lasts. 

Contact Jackie!

You can contact Jackie Via Instagram @jackie_wildstyle_fitness or Via email jackienorfolk@gmail.com

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