Why you shouldn’t do the Thirty Days of Healthy Living

Don’t do 30 Days to Healthy living if:

I have a confession to make. I read a lot of other people’s posts about their accomplishments, how amazing they felt after doing the 30 days to healthy living (30DHL). All of them are about the same thing. I am going to do things a little differently. I’m going to talk about all the reasons you should NOT do the 30 days of healthy living.

You are content with your health.

If you feel like you are in the best shape of your life. Meaning you have no further improvement to do on your health. This is not for you. This program will give you results, I’ve seen it on countless other blogs and sites. I don’t need to show you the thousands of result photos, because they are all over online, ranging from young athletes to retired couples. Everyone has seen results from doing the 30 days to healthy living. So if you are content with your health do not do 30DHL.

If you love the way you always look in photos, and you never need to retake the photo. Then the 30DHL is not what you are looking for. If you don’t feel bloated or indigestion after you eat, then don’t do the 30DHL. If somehow you have never experienced YO-YO dieting, and you have already created a Tom Brady kind of microbiome. Then there is no need for you to do the 30DHL (sorry Tom Brady).

You never feel bloated after eating.

I’m not talking about how you feel after Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner, but about feeling bloated after almost every meal. When I worked in an office setting, I was so stressed out throughout the day I would binge eat during lunch. Immediately after my thirty-minute lunch, I would be ready for a nap.

Dead tired and bloated. Despite this, I felt like my choices weren’t as bad as they could be. I would put some salads or veggies on my plate, along with some bread and fried meat. I told myself the greens were good enough.

Not only does the 30DHL teach you about the proper portion control to help prevent the bloat in the first place, but it helps recreate a Micro-Biome that will help you feel energized after you eat food. I use Digestion Plus to eliminate the bloat, and erase the muffin top.

You’re unable to process the food you are eating properly because the Pre-biotics and Pro-biotics in your body already has are unable to absorb the food you just ate.

Energy is supposed to come from food, You shouldn’t be feeling tired after you eat. 30DHL will help you bring back that energy. Feeling tired or lagging by 2 pm will disappear because after these thirty days your Microbiome will be completely recreated.

You already have amazing skin/hair/nails.

I would get in a lot of trouble in my office job. This wasn’t because the job was hard, it was the pressure. There was no room for error and I was told I should have learned everything within the first and second month on the job. So the stress came and I started losing my hair.

Plus, I am a chronic nail biter, so my nails have been affected since I was about 6 years old.

That saying, there were plenty of reasons to want my hair and nails to be stronger. Recently I have started getting adult acne. When I was in high school, my skin rarely had a blemish, good genetics I guess. Though, the older I got, the more weight I gained, the more fried food I ate, thus the more acne popped up.

Anyways, after I admitted to myself I needed to change my habits I did the next best thing, I bought $20 worth of skin/hair/nail pills from Costco. We all have been desperate for a quick fix before, this was mine.

It wasn’t until after the first 30DHL I did, that I noticed my hair wasn’t falling out as much. The second time I did 30DHL my nails were growing faster, and my hair has grown more this past year than it has in the past three years.

My acne, which I found out later from blood work, was from high testosterone, only pops up once a month. I still get acne, but I have been working on regulating my hormones through medication and food to help with P.C.O.S.

SO, if you already have amazingly shiny healthy hair and long healthy nails. And you haven’t gotten a zit since you were 13 then 30 Days to Healthy Living isn’t for you.

You’ve never felt anxiety or depression.

I started this blog as a safe place for travelers to communicate their positive and negative anxieties. This blog was a way to help others because I, myself, after being on birth control for 3 years was diagnosed with depression and anxiety.

Not once was it correlated, therefore I was treated with antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication. I’m also a huge advocate for starting your mental health, through your physical health. Exercise is the number one way to diminish depression.

Try telling my 18-year-old self to stop eating McDonald’s, and exercise every day. It was not going to happen. So I went on taking my medication on an as-needed basis. It wasn’t until the first 30DHL that I wasn’t feeling depressed on a regular basis.

I’m not saying this is the cure-all for mental health, but it is the first step of a domino effect to help you discover what alleviates your stress, anxiety, or depression.

You are always able to stay focused.

I struggled with losing my phone/keys/wallet on a daily basis. Trying so hard to focus on one thing, like holding my phone, I was unable to enjoy the present. I was unable to sit down for more than an hour, or I would walk into a room and forget why.

Have you felt any of the previous scenarios, then friend, ARBONNE IS FOR YOU? Can’t relate? Go ahead and skip this next passage.

Okay, now that all the people with their shit together are gone, let’s get down to it. Did you know that the majority of your Brain/Mental Health is in your gut? We learn that the majority of digestion is in our large and small intestines. However, the Microbiome in your gut can change your brain function.

Think about it (with that big messy brain of yours) everything you eat and drink, is going straight to help or hurt your biome. I use Digestive Plus to protect my biome.

Example: You drink coffee in the morning, and you crash about 1 or 2 pm. That’s because the body is no longer digesting the coffee and the caffeine is leaving the blood/brain system.

Here’s a secret: Caffeine doesn’t make you more awake. In fact, caffeine just blocks your “tired” receptors. So when it fades away from your bloodstream, you don’t feel tired, your body’s level of caffeine is going back to its normal state.

The reason for losing my phone was because my body felt like it was in a constant state of being tired. What if it didn’t have to be that way? What if your body’s normal state was energetic, focused, ready to take on the day? If that’s your ideal state, Arbonne 30 days of healthy living IS FOR YOU.

You don’t want long-lasting healthy habits.

If you are comfortable with your habits, then Arbonne isn’t right for you. However, if you have a bad habit of eating cereal for dinner or craving McDonald’s, well friend, we are in the same club and making new habits to better your long term health is for you.

We either get to spend our money on our health now, or we get forced to pay for our health when we are older. It is inevitable, if we don’t take care of our bodies now, we will be forced to pay for the medication or the procedure to extend our life in the future.

If you are good about eating kale and getting all your veggies in (that’s 8 servings my friend, 8 cups of veggies.) Then don’t do Arbonne. I take a green shot every morning, with my Green Balance, A.C.V., Digestion Plus, and lemon, with water. It helps me get half of my veggie and fruit servings for THE WHOLE DAY.

Let’s get better about taking care of the body we have now, this is the youngest we will ever be for the rest of our life. Let’s embrace it.

Why you shouldn’t do the Thirty Days of Healthy Living

So if you are content with your health, you never feel bloated after a meal, you already have amazing hair and skin, you never feel anxious, depressed, or absent-minded, simultaneously, then friend tell us how you keep it all together.

For the rest of us out there, Arbonne is here to help, and I am here to serve you as much as I can. You don’t need to jump in alone, I’ll be here every step, mistake, and new habits formed.

30 Days to Healthy Living Kit includes:

60 Fizz Sticks (Caffeine/Soda Replacer)

On the 30 days, there is no coffee or soda. So to make the transition easier these fizz sticks come in Orange, and Pomegranate (my fav) and for a limited time Green Apple.

60 Servings of Detox tea.

No not that kind of detox (imagine poop emoji here). It helps detox your liver to help rid toxins in your body. It’s honestly one of my top tea’s right now and I’m super picky about teas.

1 box of Digestion Plus

If you read the article above (no judgment if you didn’t) then you know how this changed the game for me.

PLUS Your choice of two:

-1 box of body cleanse (I advise for weight loss helps you drink a lot of water to help with weight loss.)
-30 servings of greens ( I advise if you are bad at eating veggies.)
-Fiber Boost (I actually tell all my clients to get this so I guess it’s not really a choice lol it’s mandatory. )

PLUS 20-40% off for the rest of this year!

Much like amazon prime, or a Costco membership, Arbonne gives you a discount when you sing up as a preferred client.

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10 thoughts on “Why you shouldn’t do the Thirty Days of Healthy Living”

  1. Thanks for your review! I’d not heard of this plan before and as a dietitian, I try to keep track of the various diet plans out there. Always good to hear feedback from people who have actually tried a program.

    1. It really focuses on habits, I like that because I struggled with my relationship with food for a long time. In some ways, this program created a positive relationship with food rather than battling the count of calories and beating myself up over one messed-up meal. The support in this program is everything.

  2. Excellent post. I need to be healthier and try stepping away from coffee but I am fueled by it. I drink that and water all day long. This sounds like a great bundle that I wanted to purchase as soon as this pandemic is over.

    1. I use to be fueled by coffee before I replaced it with Fizz sticks and ginseng. Afterward, I was able to sleep better at night, I didn’t need a nap or another cup of coffee around 2 or 3. And the best part of quitting coffee for me was a huge decrease in my anxiety.

      I grew up with my mother making a full pot of coffee each morning, and the smell of coffee still reminds me of a morning at home with my mom, so I totally get how hard giving it up can be. I have the occasional Decaf Starbucks (which I know is a sin to my coffee drinkers decaf UHHH who does that?). And I am excited to try https://dandyblend.com/ to see if it actually tastes like coffee.

  3. Ooooooh wow. I’ve had my eye on this challenge for a while now and this just might be a sign. Thank you for sharing!!

  4. Your ”don’t” makes me feel guilty, I don’t think I execute all that you mentioned. I guess I should really take the opportunity to start the challenge!

    1. Awww don’t feel guilty, We all have our vices, I still am not perfect. far from it actually but writing this helped me get my goals insight and help others decide to take their health in their own hands.

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