Traveler Spotlight: The Wellness Holiday Boutique

Welcome Co-Founder of The Wellness Holiday Boutique (TWHB) Joanna

Personally, Joanna and I have created a B2B relationship via Instagram. We connected immediately after discussing our missions in our businesses. We focus on personal development and the whole well being through travel. I’m so glad she agreed to do an interview for us! You will love her insight as a traveler.

What’s your name and tell us a little bit about you.

“My name’s Joanna and I’m the co-founder of The Wellness Holiday Boutique. I’m based in London, which is fantastic but it can also get very hectic sometimes. I’m not very good at sitting still and love exploring new places and trying new things – London is a great base to do so as it’s very easy to travel by train or plane. My job involves a lot of travel and visiting our wellness properties which I love as it combines the 2 things I am most passionate about.”

How many countries have you traveled too?

“25 – When I was younger, my parents used to try and take us to a different country every year so I caught the travel bug from a very young age.”

What’s your favorite mode of travel? (Plane train cruise car walking ect.)

“I try to walk everywhere when possible. It’s a great form of exercise and the perfect time to gather your thoughts together.”

What’s your dream travel destination?

“Capadoccia in Turkey is on my bucket list. It looks so picturesque and magical!”

How has traveling helped you manage a healthy mentality?

“Travel allows me to expand my mind and discovering new places and different cultures can be a great way to shake up your mindset. On holiday, you’re changing up your routine and unwinding which can help to break negative cycles. Exposing yourself, and sometimes being thrown into, new things can be a great confidence boost with something as simple as trying a new food or being able to communicate with someone speaking a different language.”

What are some ways you use travel as a coping mechanism?

“Travel is generally an escape and opportunity to relax and have some you time. There’s no doubt that a holiday can help you unwind and disconnect from the daily stresses of life. Even the build-up from the moment you book is part of the experience – we all know the exciting feeling you get from once you’ve booked your holiday and knowing you have something to look forward to.”

How do you choose who you travel with? Does it impact your trip?

“For me, it isn’t really a case of choosing who to travel with but more about finding the next destination and seeing who wants to join. Equally travelling solo is a completely different experience in itself as I find I’m more aware of my surroundings and have the opportunity to meet new people which I probably wouldn’t do if I was travelling with someone. “

Do you have a favorite destination?

“I studied French at university and lived in Bordeaux for a year. I had the best time discovering the French way of life so it will always have a place in my heart. “

When you travel do you make more friends than when you are at home?

“I’m more likely to make more friends when I’m away and especially when I’m travelling alone as I’m more relaxed and open speaking to new people.”

“At home, I will generally meet up with friends to catch up and am not really aware of my surroundings.”

How has anxiety or depression affected your travels negatively?

“Sometimes the smaller tasks of travel can feel so overwhelming. From making sure I leave on time and checking a million times that I do have my passport can affect you negatively. However, I always focus on why I booked my holiday and the end goal.” 

How has anxiety or depression affected your travels positively?

“Travel is an unlikely form of therapy for anxiety or depression. Following back to how anxiety can affect your travels negatively, it’s also rewarding to know that you were able to get past the negative thoughts.”

Do you feel that traveling is a coping mechanism for a lot of people?

“Everybody travels for different reasons. Some people might travel for a coping mechanism while for others, it’s to explore and discover the world. Travelling is an enjoyable experience either way and even more enjoyable as we are limited to time and money so it’s important to make the most of it either way.”

What’s one thing you can not travel without?

“Green tea! I like to have a cup first thing in the morning so I always make sure I have a stash with me.”

What’s your number one travel tip for our fellow travelers out there?

“Try to do something you wouldn’t normally do at home. Travel is about love and self-care and leading a fulfilled life.”

Contact info

If you would like to get in contact with Joanna and Her business based out of London, please feel free to follow her on Instagram or go to her site.





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